1. Patient X complained ditusuk such as chest pain, usually pain relief at the way I am. I came to this hospital because the pain was also arise at the time I sit watching television until now.
Then the nurse do EKG examination, the result is ELEVATION ST segment.
a. Describe the causes / factors related to the patient's pain is X!
b. Describe interventions to overcome the pain!
c. Explain the procedure EKG examination!
d. Explain how the pain scale!
e. Describe interventions nurses to monitor side effects of drugs given to the patient's X!
2. Tn. H came to the hospital complained dizziness since 2 days ago. To ask the nurse about the problem. Then do the measurement of blood pressure, the result is 170/100 mmHg.
a. Describe the causes / factors related to the whim of Tn. H is!
b. Explain stage / high blood pressure in Tn. H is!
c. Describe the type of hypertension in the Tn. H is! How do I determine the type of hypertension!
d. Explain at least 5 risk factors that may need to be amended in the Tn. H is!
e. When Tn. H to get a diuretic drugs, described the intervention nurses to monitor side effects from the drug!
3. Dizzy patients complain, lemes repeated after 1 sunday transfuse blood, anemia history. Then doctors diagnosed leukemia.
a. Describe 2 nursing diagnosis that may appear in the patient!
b. Describe the intervention each nursing diagnosis is!
4. Describe the main nursing diagnosis on heart failure patients!
(includes a description of issues, etiology, and the characteristics and limits of nursing pathway)
5. 4 Explain the other nursing diagnosis (other than the main nursing diagnosis on heart failure patients!
6. Explain each nursing intervention in the matter of nursing diagnosis no 4 and 5 above!
7. Describe the measurement procedure JVP!
8. Create a format to monitor fluid balance and explain how to fill it!
9. Explain the health history that need to be first on the interference with the patient's heart valve!
10. Describe the signs and symptoms that distinguish between:
a. stenosis mitralis
b. insufisiensi mitralis
c. aorta stenosis
d. insufisiensi aorta
"throbbing heart of yours, you life"